Recent Posts
- The Smock and PoliticsI am very pleased to have a chapter included in a book about politics and clothing in the nineteenth century. Just out, Political and Sartorial Styles, edited by Kevin Morrison and published by Manchester University Press, is focussed on menswear. My chapter, ‘Smock Frock Farmer or Smock Frock Radical?’ pushes my research into smocks in…
- Butchers’ SmocksButcher’s clothing became an important subset of the smock trade, the blue colour especially associated with the occupation. As the trade developed, particular manufacturers specialised in occupational clothing for butchers, which initially meant smocks. One of these was Frank Blackett, whose family had lived at Smithfield, the famous wholesale meat market in London, since the…
- A Podcast all about SmocksI am thrilled to be part of the British Textile Biennial (@britishtextilebiennial), which is currently on, in person until the end of October, and online. I recorded a podcast with the brilliant Amber Butchart (@amberbutchart) on all things smock. Find it below or on the British Textile Biennial website, if you would like a listen! Please enjoy!